To Reflect Everything :: Washington Sq. Park, 2025Mirror Finished Steel, Painted Steel and Fiberglass7' x 7' x 10'
Column, 2023Pigment Prints and Staples12" x 12" x 96"
Arch, 2023Pigment Prints24" x 40" x 20"
Stretched, Pinned and Draped , 2023Pigment PrintsDimensions Variable
Burnt Bread, 2023Cast Iron, Ebonized Wood30" x 30 " x 24"
Body Scrolls, 2023Toner Prints, Bread, Plaster, C-Stands, Laser Level, and SteelDimensions Variable
More Important Than Bread, 2023Toner Prints, Bread, Plaster, C-Stands and SteelDimensions Variable
Double Shattered Glass, 2023Acrylic and Solder12" x 12" Each
Self Portrait (Hug), 2023UV Printed Glass and Solder8" x 10"
Challah Reliquary 3, 2023Wax and Steel18" x 5" x 30"
the sea will not part that way, 2023Steel and Mirror Finish Stainless Steel20" x 48" x 120"
To Reflect Everything :: Toronto Sculpture Garden, 2023Mirror Finished Steel, Painted Steel and Fiberglass7' x 7' x 10'